Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Baking Bread

You know I must be singing the winter blues. I've been eating chili and other soups, drinking hot cocoa and baking bread. Today, just to get out of the house, I took my munchkins to the library- a place I've been avoiding because of a $4.50 fine. That's right, I gave in... I paid the fine and vowed no more videos from the library. Yes, they're free- but only if you can have enough smarts to get them back in time. Well, the ice and cold is surely wearing on me. Usually I love winter. The sight of snowflakes up close astounds me. I love to find the longest icicles after the storms. Sledding and snowman-building is awesome. Unfortunately, the weather we've been having only traps you inside your home- ice on roads, sidewalks, handrails, everything. I hope the snow starts up again soon. And that we can gain a few degrees so I can play with the kids outside again. Hoping for slightly warmer tomorrows. I don't think I'm quite ready to say goodbye to winter altogether... just the ice.

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