Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Wow, I'm awful at journeling online and by hand.

It's been almost a month since I have posted new information... so I thought I better get back on the ball. No need to wait for New Year's to start doing things right...

Carley recently got her first tooth and has been enjoying some real food... homemade chicken pot pie, spaghetti and meatballs, muffins, pancakes with bananas and many others. She loves to feed herself. She has been standing for forever and recently figured out how to walk behind a push toy. You can tell she's really proud of herself. Her newest talent is fishy face...fun!

Billy hasn't been doing much that's new, except asking questions. He's adding many new words to his vocabulary every day... I can hear it growing. He also thinks that na-nee-na-nee-na-naa is fun to say and sticking his tongue out is funny. Great.... I have been enjoying playing school with him when school is cancelled due to inclement weather. He has a Christmas program Thursday.

Ian is learning to use the potty- in his own time. He also has been loving pretending to be Super Why and WonderRed, from his new favorite show (Super Why). He always wants to be a hero, any kind. Which contrasts well with Billy's bad guy complex. Ian is such a sweetheart with the most darling smile and giggle. I'm sure God gave him those attributes so I wouldn't kill him when he screams NO and NEVER.

Skittles has recently been hanging out with us more. He's usually within a couple of feet from me. He still doesn't want to join me on the couch yet. But he has learned that snow and ice are freaking cold... when I send him out he does his business and is ready to come back in. Almost no accidents now.

Carl has a recent corporate visit and that went very well. He is fighting a cold with aches and pains- could be the flu. Oh, and by the way, he dropped a bunk bed on his head when unloading a truck at work... no surprise, he's fine. I always knew he had a hard head.

As for me, I've been struggling with getting enough time to sleep. When I have free time I choose to read or sew and then don't get to sleep. Then, when I'm ready to go to bed, my mind isn't. But I have been reading a lot.

Well, more soon.