Have you ever noticed how the kitchen counter is like a magnet? Truly. Kids' school projects end up there. Glue, tape and syrup- anything unbelievably sticky. Dirty dishes never seems to miss it- they can't seem to make it to the sink. Milk gets left on it- juice too. Receipts never fail to get lost there. I joke with Carl constantly about needing to find my counter. Foil and saran wrap never return to their drawer once they've hit the counter. Left over dishes, open peanut butter jars, the tape measure you can never find (and bobby pins?). I even found a half-used roll of toilet paper- set aside for nose blowing up there. Now you know why I have to clean my kitchen before making cakes.
Don't get me started on the top of the piano.
See Jodi- I'm normal- perhaps I'm even on the messier end of normal. No pics for proof, because lately I can't seem to download them to the computer, but I certify that this is all true.