Saturday, August 2, 2008

Migraine and Mint Chocolate Chip

Migraine's suck! More than I can express... they hurt... no really. I've had 5 this year. There have been times- before my experience of these terrible anomalies that I have looked at someone complaining about a migraine like they were insane. How could a bad headache totally take you out of commission for a day? Well, my judgemental attitude has finally backfired. The pain tore across the left side over my eye and just killed me. It also was accompanied by a fit of nausea. And of course, when I tried to lay down, 3 darling little children jumped all over me. I waited by the window for my mother-in-law and when she came in, I told her I felt awful and then I abandoned her with the 3 kids. After a nap, I was much better.
Then, the ice cream... yes, that made everything better. It was nice to have grandma and papa tonight, they really saved the day by taking the kids. Ian and Carley are sick with a cough. Not sure why. It's making Ian's asthma flare up. Well, I'm tired and not remembering anything else important. We just finished playing 2 rounds of hand and foot with the in-laws. Mom and I went out on Carl and Dad before they melted on the last hand. It was so funny. It's the only way we could have won. And we barely did that. I've never seen that one happen before. Goodnight.

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