Tuesday, December 9, 2008

snow day...not a snow day...snow day after all

As soon as I got up this morning I just knew it would be called a snow day. I bundled up the kiddos and let them romp in the snow and crash their little feet through the ice sandwiched between snow layers. We had lots of fun and I even got a few pictures- of course they're all overexposed. But then, when we came back inside... to my dismay... 2 hour delay. YUCK. So, I got Billy all ready for school and when I couldn't get the ice off my van I remember Carl's car in the tuck-under garage- he's outta town. I took Billy to school and got him dropped off. Just 2 hours later the school calls. Billy's been coughing and can't stop, they say. Okay, guess I'm off to pick him up. So, I pick him up and ask about the letter I got demanding doctor notes for his absences. I expained that I will not be taking him to the doctor every time he gets a little cough or sniffles. They agreed pleasantly, but warned me that I would need to clear it up with the attendance clerk. BLAH! So, now I have to get the kids' doctor to write a note explaining that Billy has asthma that sometimes requires home maintenance and that he does not need to see a doctor for every attack. Anyhow... it ended up being a fun day with the kids home. Ian didn't seem to miss mom school too much. Billy was bummed to have to come home, but seemed fine to hang out with us. Carley's been coughing too and Daddy called to let us know he's been well medicated today also. Well, here's hoping we're all better soon! I need to plan a fun day for my kids tomorrow- I've been kinda boring lately- all work and no play, ya know.


meghan said...

wow..lucky kids you have to play in the snow. i was not brave enough to face that yet! hope you guys get to feeling better soon. i know it is no fun!

Goob said...

geez, anything to get a snow day...
Hope you're feeling better soon guys!