Saturday, January 3, 2009

Back to Normal

Pic are Cookies on Christmas Eve...

Okay, the holidays are behind us now, so perhaps I can make a trip back to normal.
I got my license for foster parenting in the mail today. How's that for "normal"? Now, perhaps some of you have decided that I'm crazy for making such a venture with my own busy family and perhaps you think I'm jumping in with little to no knowledge of the troubles I may face. Okay, sometimes I can be a bit... spacey, but Carl and I have taken classes and read a lot about fostering. We even have a few friends who have shared their experiences with us. And we will start slow. Hopefully we can provide respite first. So, if you have been wondering what are we thinking, I hope this eases your mind a little. We just want to make a difference.

Anyhow, if any of you really want a reason to judge... here's the real news. Carl and I are going to Iowa City to have our embryos (2) implanted. Yes, we're hopefully going to be getting pregnant this Spring. And yes, we are crazy. This crazy thing has been working for us for nearly 10 years now and I think you should stick to what you're good at. We're good at being broke and making big decisions- like moves and babies. And hey, we're still together and still very happy. So, we must be doing something right. Carl is such a supportive and loving hubby. And hey, I want to be done raising my little ones before I'm in my 60s, so I'm planning on having the baby making stuff out of the way before I'm 30 next year.

So I have outed myself on our very personal and secretive plans for 2009. Maybe I'm right, maybe it is a crazy idea to have a new baby or help take care of someone else's kid(s). But I must say it feels right and I can only do what I feel is best for me and my family. So, wish me luck or keep your negative thoughts to yourself. :) I love you guys, but right now I need support. I'm pretty good at criticizing myself. Please know that I know you all mean well. And I sure do love my sweet friends. Wishing you all the best this year!


Nicole said...

I just want to say that I think everything you are doing is absolutely wonderful. If Shaun and I could, we'd be doing the same things you are...including both the foster parents and going to IC to have a baby. Unfortunately we are not able to do either yet. So if I may judge (-:, I think what you're doing is awesome. Good Luck!!

meghan said...

How exciting about the license but even more about the baby. I wish you guys nothing but the best. Your kids are so fun already one more could only make it an even better party!! Good Luck with it all!

Krista said...

I am amazed with you Charity. It seems that the forces of fate have been working against you, but through it all you have always kept your spirits high and your testimony strong. I am amazed!

Marylois said...

I love the picture of Ian frosting the table:D

jej said...
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jej said...

You are wonderful - Father only gives us what we can handle and one of the Hartsons' wonderful talents - being able to handle a lot!! We love you - and we'll be here!

Melissa Lasley said...

Congratulations on the baby-making. I hope everything goes well for you! we love you!