This morning around 3 I heard the cries of a couple of my little ones. As I went to their rescue I can only describe the surroundings as frigid. I swooped Carley from the illegal bunk bed she'd been sharing with brother-much to my dismay. And plopped her down on my bed as I informed Carl something was wrong- the house was much too cold. He got up rather quickly and began the endless work of dad- providing. The order of today was warmth. Gubbel's was here within a couple of hours and fixed the problem rather quickly. The vent for outside was iced over. No charge- woo hoo! By the time I ventured out of bed again it was warm. We'll be locking ourselves inside again today, hope you're doing the same. Stay warm and busy!
And, by the way, sharing my bed with little children is not fun. I've never been a good sharer of anything, but usually by the age of 12 months I have banished the kids from my bed. I never get a good sleep when they're there. Unfortunately, my heart has been softened the last few cold days and I've been pulling them in. Needless to say I've been a bit tired lately. Hopefully I can get a nap in today. It's usually fun to hold them close in bed for about 1/2 an hour-TOPS, but anything more than that is just inhibiting my sleeping abilities. Sorry to sound so heartless!
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