Thursday, January 22, 2009


Up at 3 a.m. Billy vomiting in Ian's bed. Found that he had vomited in his bed too. Cleaned up him. Cleaned up the bed. Cleaned up the linens. Cleaned up the floors. Cleaned up the bathroom. Everyone to the living room. Monsters Inc. Nobody sleeping. Dad back to bed. Gave everyone some water. Just a few minutes later, Billy threw up the water. Diarrhea too. Cleaned up and resorted to pull ups. Last night it was Carley- vomiting and diarrhea. Looks like we'll be stuck at home for awhile. Billy had a few bites of cereal. So far, so good.


meghan said...

Im so sorry. I hope you guys get to feeling better soon! If you need anything let me know.

Goob said...


Hartson family said...

and there goes the cereal. BLAH!

Melissa Lasley said...

I'm sorry, charity! I hope everyone gets well soon!

Anonymous said...

...youre kids are cute but this is what makes me happy that I have dogs