I want to take this opportunity to really journal for a minute. When Carl left his job in Burlington it was terribly scary. But we knew it was the right choice. His job meant he wasn't around much. Often, I felt like a single parent. We prayed often about how to keep our family close. When we started talking about Billy beginning school the realization came that Carl (who never had weekends off) wasn't going to be seeing much of his big boy anymore. Neither of us could manage the thought.
So, my brave hubby left his job and we began the tormenting search for something else. We tried looking only in Burlington, so we would not have to move away... to no avail. We looked everywhere. Then we started discussing where we most wanted to be. Evansdale/Waterloo quickly became the answer. This is where we started our family. This is where our friends are. It is close to family. And as soon as Carl made the drive here to continue his search, he said he felt as if he were coming home. The Spirit strongly testified that this was the place. For several months Carl lived here without us. I frantically prepared the house for a move and to sell. When we joined him, it felt so right.
So lately we have been worrying about needing to move again because our house won't sell. We have prayed, fasted, made trips to the temple, everything (well, except burying a statue of St. Joseph- we're working to check that one off too). It has been a faith-trying, despairing journey. But... our landlady isn't giving up and just offered us a lease. We won't have to move! Hopefully, we can still purchase the home within a year or so. What a blessing. We've been looking at other rentals, and have been so sad at the thought of leaving our imperfect home and Billy's school. So, just so you know, we're staying, right where we are.
I'm betting that few of you will truly understand what a relief and blessing this is. I have moved many, many times in my life (over 15). Carl hasn't experienced too much stability either. And, even our children have experienced as many as 5 moves. We're so glad to be staying. I hope we are done with moving for a long time. The Lord has been with us in our journey. Gently leading us where we needed to be. We only hope we can be close to the Spirit so His will can be revealed in time. We are praying for each of you in your trials and hoping you will feel the Lord guiding you.
So happy for you Charity, thats awesome news!! I wish we were able to just 'quit' our jobs and move. Too many things would scare me. Maybe I shouldn't let them scare me and just do it...we're falling apart down here. Not good.
So glad things worked out!
That is so great!! If we endure the reward is always great. You are such a great example. Keep it up.
ah hooray! That has got to be a huge relief. We also just learned that we will be able to extend our lease for another 6 months, which is a huge relief. We thought we'd be ready to buy after a year...but, well, you know how that goes!
I know who to come to when life decides to throw me a curve ball! You are a rock!!!!
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