Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Tuesday- the week's looking up

Today was about as good as it gets when you're talking ordinary days... Ian and I had our session at Storytime- and Carley had to come too (but she was very good and didn't make a peep until the very end). Then after we signed up for the next string of sessions for winter we checked out lots of new books. Ian even helped out choosing and checking out. After we had enjoyed our pleasant outing at the library we went home and put Skittles on the leash to join us at the park. We went to swing and play. It was a little damp, but not awful. But the wind was picking up. After just 25 minutes or so, I was ready to call it quits. The slides were too wet to ride and the dog kept pulling on the leash. So, we loaded up in the van and I turned on one of the DVDs from the library (Veggietales- Little Joe). That kept Ian entertained while we just drove around. It seemed silly to come all the way home when we would have to pick up Billy from preschool within 1/2 an hour. So, we drove around and watched the show. After we picked up Billy we headed home, had lunch and then Ms. Tammy came over. Ms. Tammy is a childhood educator from a group called Parents as Teachers. She helps me stay on track with teaching the kids at their own levels. Our visit was fun- the boys made bird puppets- with feathers. I'm a volunteer leader with the program and our first meeting is Saturday.
After Ms. Tammy left, the boys and I played a little in the toy room and then laid down in the living room to rest with a movie. Then Carley woke up and I made dinner. After we ate, the kids did an awesome job helping to clean up the house. They were very helpful. We took care of baths and jammies. Then we brushed teeth, read books, sang songs, read scriptures, prayed and even did Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear. They were all comfy in their beds by 8 p.m. Half an hour later than normal- but it was a great day for us. The kids were pretty good. Ian had a few timeouts for not listening today, but that's not bad. He went pee again in the potty after his bath- he does this every night now for several weeks. If only we could get him to do it throughout the day. He still is showing very little interest. I'm thinking about moving forward and just pushing him in... but I worry that the progress won't come easy that way. Well, we had a great day today. I even got the laundry and dishes done. I haven't ran the vacuum yet, but there's still time. Goodnight.

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